Let me introduce Benji. He is the newest addition to our family. His daddy is a Yorky and his mom is a Shitzu...what we have is a tiny ball of fur who was born on April 28th. We have had him for about a month and he has reminded me of the perils of Puppy Hood.... shredded paper, chewed shoes and puddles on the floor. We do laugh...a lot! Benji is thrilled to have a new mommy who has scraps of material, ribbon, fiber fill and baskets of wool and old quilts just lying around the house. He is into it all. I am sure, given time, he will add new Primitive markings to my designs. How to explain teeth marks on a Primitive doll? He has made himself at home and has been begging for the 3 Siamese cats to be his friends. Needless to say, they are not at all impressed or interested in any way...they are Siamese..if you please.
We are appreciative of the joy he has brought to our home and we look forward to years of love and laughter.
Monday, September 5, 2011
ESTY Shop Opens!
The whole thrust of my Blog was to get me to the point that I no longer felt computer illiterate and could actually navigate the web. My ultimate goal was to open an ETSY Shop and I have actually accomplished it....you go girl...I know that lots of you already do all of this and do not at all feel intimidated...alas...not ME. I must admit that once I over came the fear....doing the shop was quite simple, so the BIG BOGY MAN I envisioned, does not exist. I am thrilled to be a part of the ETSY world and have actually applied to a team (Gutsy for me...I hate that rejection stuff). I have been busy for a long time getting new things into my 5 shops where I sell in New York's Finger Lakes Region....one of the shops unfortunately closed....and I am down to 4. I love doing what I do and I love that people actually buy my work. Who'da thunk?
I also have joined a wonderful Artisans group called Rochester Artisans. They have taught me lots of stuff...and they have encouraged me to get involved. I am getting ready for an exhibit they are doing...more details later.
Being a part of something is good for the soul and working and listening to others of the same ilk is enlightening as well as soothing. We artsy folk are different in a very good way...thanks to all of you out there....I would love to know all of you....a wonderful group of CREATIVITY. My ETSY is: http://www.etsy.com/people/ChanceryLanePrims?ref+si_pr Please stop by and see what I have done so far.
I also have joined a wonderful Artisans group called Rochester Artisans. They have taught me lots of stuff...and they have encouraged me to get involved. I am getting ready for an exhibit they are doing...more details later.
Being a part of something is good for the soul and working and listening to others of the same ilk is enlightening as well as soothing. We artsy folk are different in a very good way...thanks to all of you out there....I would love to know all of you....a wonderful group of CREATIVITY. My ETSY is: http://www.etsy.com/people/ChanceryLanePrims?ref+si_pr Please stop by and see what I have done so far.
Primitive dolls
Monday, June 27, 2011
Where Did the Time Go?
I got lost in time....too many things to do. I have been busy setting up for a show and exhibit in an Art Gallery...Yes can you believe it, me in an Art Gallery. I was asked to show my Primitive Folk Art at the Historic Dryer House Emporium in the Village of Victor, NY. It is a beautiful Federal-Italianate style home built in 1838 by William C. Dryer. I will be in the Gallery until the beginning of August. I am so honored and excited. I hope to get down there and get some photos to show you. I am also ready for July 1st on www.simplyprimitives.com I included one photo from that offering here today. Things are moving along and I find myself very blessed. I also joined Linkedin (Arts & Crafts)...WOW high tech Sandie! I love this artsy life....so many cool people and wonderful connections with REAL people...It's a Wonderful Life.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Reflections on Procrastination
Do you ever feel that you are really going nowhere fast? I do...my goal was to be on ETSY in April...NOT DONE...no reason...just am incapable of taking the fatal plunge. I find myself being very busy... doing all kind of nonsense and accomplishing very little...must be a gene missing in my confidence. Has anyone ever felt so terribly driven to nowhere? The sun is out, the flowers are blooming and there is hope everywhere in the world....except here in Blog Land. I just bought a new background from a vendor and specific instructions to upload it...think I can get it on the Blog....NOT ... I guess that is what the problem is...not knowing exactly what to do, I just get tired of STUPID...oh well, I have made a decision that will move me forward....I am going to go get some CHOCOLATE....success at last!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
They Say You Can't Go Home Again
But you can..... I live in Rochester, NY and I returned to Rochester, PA this week. I went to be with my friend, Suzanne...her sister, Gail died and I wanted to be there. I met Suzanne when I was 6. We had moved to Rochester from the Alleghney Mountains and I was a lost soul...being a country girl and all. Suzanne rode her bike by one day and we just hit it off...that was 58 years ago. Both of us have lived other places and have full lives...but we call ourselves our "Longest Friends" (oldest is not a good adjective at our ages)...Any way...as I sat in church on Wednesday...I began a long journey down memory lane. Gail was 7 years older than us...she was the pretty blond high school girl I wanted to be. When Suzanne and I were in the Brownies, Gail and her new boy friend, Jake, came to Life Guard for us...I remember how "cute" he was...all of us little girls swooned. I remember when they married, had their boys, became grandparents and recently celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary. All of these memories came flooding back. These are the people that have formed the tapestry of my life. I have so many memories of Rochester and the days with Suzanne.... roller skating on skates that had a key, buying penny candy, camp fires, dolls and paper dolls, shared secrets, crushes on boys, dances every Saturday night during high school, friends during college, marriages, children and funerals. I also laughed at myself as I remembered riding my bike down Reno Street and screaming at the top of my lungs..."Suzanne, I just got my first trainer bra"...and as a true friend, she was happy for me. It is a privilege to know Suzanne and her wonderful family. Sometimes the worst of times bring out the best memories. I am back in Rochester,NY now...but my heart is warm with the memories of Rochester, PA...Thanks, Suzanne.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter Renewal
Nothing in life is as good as a second chance. It is during the Easter season that we get a glimpse of new beginnings and rebirth...the world is coming alive and the sweet tender greens long frozen are emerging toward the sun. It is good to be alive...it is good to be awake and enjoying all that is around us. Renewing my dreams to be a blogger success, an etsy success, a web site success, a primitive doll maker success.....all of this is possible in this season of growth and new beginnings. I was following my favorite blogs earlier today and read a quote by George Eliot "It's never too late to be what you might have been"....I love it Catnip Studio Chronicles has this quote right at the top of her blog...makes you think...gives inspiration and renews my soul...thanks Kathy. Happy Easter to all of my friends...new, old, and those I have yet to meet...grow, stretch, achieve, and above all....believe you can FLY...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Simply Primitives
I have been selling on Simply Primitives. May will be my third month there. The other artisans are amazing and I feel honored to be among them. My items appear on the first of the month...so toddle over there on May first and see what is new......I included a sneak preview...stop by and visit. www.simplyprimitives.com
Thursday, April 14, 2011
There's Always a Little Girl Inside
It's been raining in Upstate NY...I do love rainy days and that was something that was taught to me by my mother. She made rainy days very special. In our dining room was a buffet and the bottom drawer held surprises galore. I was allowed to choose one item per rainy day and it was from this drawer my first book of paper dolls emerged. I was hooked...but too little to cut them out...so we sat by the fire place and she cut and I began to fantasize. That was the beginning of my doll love affair. I must have been 3 or 4 years old and I am now 64...long time obsession with dolls and not a chance of it letting up or being cured...as if I would choose the cure!! I wish mothers introduced their daughters to this wonderful world...we loose so much of our imagination. I was an only child for 6 years..before the baby brother..and we lived in Cresson, PA. We were located in a valley between two 2000 ft high mountains (Allegheny Mts.) The Main Line (Railroad) moved through Cresson on it's journey to the famous Horseshoe Curve. We lived about 10 miles out of the town on a private lake near the town of Loretto. My dad worked 3 jobs back then...one was that of a coal miner...any how...It was 1950 and my mom stayed at home and did not drive a car...So she and I spent much time engaged in dolly make believe...I treasure those days. I had my own play room filled with dolls and teddies...I recall red and white gingham curtains, a tin doll house filled with plastic furniture, a golden record player and oodles of little plastic golden records. We need to remember our roots and what makes us who we are today.. How I sang along to those golden record songs! ...Bibbity...Bobbity...Boo... I cherish the good ole days and appreciate how I have become who I am today....I still sing along as I create my dolls. It really is a GRAND rainy day !!!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Who Let the Cat Out?
OK...am I nuts or what? I was so pleased with myself that I actually uploaded an animated cat and he was soooo cute,,,those of you who saw him...for one fleeting minute...would agree...HOWEVER when I went to post today...he was gone. Now I ask you, why would a cat be so stupid to leave a warm blog home for the world of cyber space...who'da thunk it? Well, there is really no use to whine...he is gone and I do not have the time to find him tonight. I am not happy, but am capable of making my own CAT....Here's one with my School Marm doll...Creative??? Well....someone has to go find the poor cat. He's probably cold, hungry, lost...LOL this is obviously not a good idea...Here, Kitty, Kitty..
dollI made my own cat,
primitive folk art
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The Kitty Has Come Home to Roost
Happy days are here...I got the Kitty, just by slowly reading the instructions on the photo upload. I don't think that I am any smarter than I was last week...I just think that my intention was high and I have read tons of stuff that now some of it vaguely makes some sense. I have begin photographing for ETSY and have made a few more dolls...all in good time. I have been looking at tons of blogs and I can now decide what I think will be good for me...forging forward.....now I have to figure out how to make it smaller so that you all can see how cute he is.....who makes this stuff so hard? Some wicked wizard up in a tree in the deep dark forest...I am sure ....
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Getting Ready to get Ready
Greetings...I have been doing write ups for what will go in my ETSY shop. I want different things on there as opposed to what is on my site...I am still sewing and creating for the big launch as well. One thing that I have learned is that the more you venture out into cyber space the more people are drawn in. I have numerous circles on ETSY and I just keep making friends...very social place. Being a blog newbie and just as green in everything else is frustrating. I want to be the Queen of Everything...not the Princess of Quite a Lot..(well, at least the Queen has the power to cut heads off...humm..) I have also been working on invitations to sell at the historic Dryer House in Victor, NY It is a lovely gift shop, bakery and tea house. I sell more shabby stuff there. I am cutting and stamping and losing what mind I have left...also putting hair on Lyla (new doll) and a white roaving tail on a prim rabbit...also need to put a tail on a cat. I try to do a little bit of everything so that I will get finished...only to be looking for the cat's tail and losing the needed paint brush. Thanks for coming along for the ride....
historic Dryer House,
Primitive Doll,
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Happy April Fools Day
Well, it is snowing...yes winter is holding on in Upstate NY. I am tucked inside with a nice fire burning and finishing all the last details on my rabbits, eggs and dolls that are going out to the three shops in which I sell. It takes hours to tag and price...I am a fanatic about tags...they are a part of the art on my creations...always adding to the appeal of my dolls and critters. My customers save the tags or leave them on the items...plus they are wonderful for doll collectors. I always mention special items added ...like vintage buttons, linen thread, eyes...etc...just to let them know that the dolls have more than meets the eye amd are special. I have been following some really wonderful blogs and am awed by the talent that is out there...you know..I am just a small drop in the ocean type thought...that will be in the past 'cause as I said...I am jumping in and I invited you to jump along....I know, I know..if your friend asked you to jump off of a bridge would you do it? (Do you want to be a popular blogger or not? JUMP). My goal for April is to get the ETSY shop up and running. I am taking photos tomorrow when I get back from deliveries...the snow will be gone and some of the ice will be gone from the Finger Lakes...makes for a beautiful ride. Let's cheer for SNOW!!!! (not)
snow tags Primitive Folk Art,
Upstate NY
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Primitive Folk Art Dolls
I recall being bitten by the Primitive Bug about 10 years ago. I had just moved to Upstate NY from Pittsburgh, and was trying to learn my way around the area. Being a shoppe owner in PA, I began to frequent the small artsy shops in the area. We have a lot of talented people around here and the Festivals have no rival. One of my favorite books is The Velveteen Rabbit...you know the one where the toy is so loved he looses his fur and eyes? (I am well loved...lost a lot of fur and have trifocals). I began seeing bears and old dolls and critters made in the "Prim Way"...that was it...hooked...I found my first Prim patterns on the web...Kentucky Primitives and I began sewing and never looked back. It was even hard to part with my creations...sometimes still is...OK...I have my favorites. The loved and worn look of the dolls and animals warms my heart and breaths into my soul. My work has evolved and I now have my tried and true ways...my style....fabrics, threads and such. My dolls are now recognised by collectors in the area and I have a sense of accomplishment. I have been including photos of past creations here on my blog. I will add new things on my web and etsy during April. I am also on Simply Primitives on the first of the month. www.simplyprimitives.com Today, after several feeble attempts to find the elusive kitty, I did start composing my shop policies for etsy....so far so good...making progress
critter Folk Artist,
Primitive Doll
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Here Kitty...Kitty
Well, still on the look for my animated photobucket cat. I have worked on this for a long time today. I have been advised that this is an easy process...I need a new advisor ...but I did promise that we would do this together....and where are you at this early time spot? I also spent some time on ETSY looking for information...talk about overload....by the time I read it all...I'll be long gone and I do mean ...dead.
So far, I like the way my blog looks and I have had one comment...thank you, Daniel....encouraging. I look at the others who are blogging and I do admire them so...so much creativity. My matra is "If they can do it, so can I"....tomorrow I will proceed...Yes this a picture of me and what learning to blog can do to your face...comments?
So far, I like the way my blog looks and I have had one comment...thank you, Daniel....encouraging. I look at the others who are blogging and I do admire them so...so much creativity. My matra is "If they can do it, so can I"....tomorrow I will proceed...Yes this a picture of me and what learning to blog can do to your face...comments?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How Do They Do That?
I started this blog two years ago and I thought that I was doing well with two posts. Then I had a second to think about it...How could I possibly write a blog...I am nobody...I am somebody here...in Upstate NY. I am a fabric Folk Artist AKA doll maker, critter creator and sewing fanatic. I sell my Primitive creations in several shops in the Finger Lake Region. I am well known...comfortable in my own skin.....but out there in BLOG land....I don't know...I can't do that..hence the two year lack of writing.
Well, what possessed me today? I thought there must be more of me out there...people who have not a clue about blogging. I know you are there, secretly reading and wishing that you too could do something cool, creative, noteworthy. Why not me? Why not you? I ask that you join me on that journey and come along....maybe we can create together. Lord knows I can really use the help. I want to upload a little Kitty moving photo from photo bucket. I thought that it was cute...did all the things they told me to do and was told to "Create a blog" Dah...I thought I was! I will continue to strive toward the kitty and succeed at a later date. Come along and blog with me.....
Well, what possessed me today? I thought there must be more of me out there...people who have not a clue about blogging. I know you are there, secretly reading and wishing that you too could do something cool, creative, noteworthy. Why not me? Why not you? I ask that you join me on that journey and come along....maybe we can create together. Lord knows I can really use the help. I want to upload a little Kitty moving photo from photo bucket. I thought that it was cute...did all the things they told me to do and was told to "Create a blog" Dah...I thought I was! I will continue to strive toward the kitty and succeed at a later date. Come along and blog with me.....
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